How the duck those packages work?


About me


Marcelo Trylesinski


FastAPI Expert


OSS Maintainer




Software Engineer at Pydantic




Understand how things are connected

This is the goal for today!



Who is the server?


Let's learn how things happen!


Client initiates the connection


Server creates a task (connection)


Uvicorn implements asyncio.Protocol


connection_made is called


data_receive is called


h11 is a Sans-IO protocol library

httptools is a callback based library


Server will receive the request


Two things can happen

1. Create the "HTTP connection Scope"

2. Upgrade the connection


Create the "HTTP connection Scope"

headers, path, method, query_string, etc.


Or... Server will upgrade the connection


Server will run the application


Server will communicate with the application via ASGI events


What's ASGI?


Simple ASGI application


Echo ASGI application


FastAPI is an ASGI application


FastAPI is an ASGI application


Starlette is an ASGI application


Middleware & ASGI Application


Middleware & ASGI Application


Starlette does the routing

Starlette -> Router -> Route


The endpoint is called


Dependency Injection


The data is validated


What is Pydantic?


Come to me to get my card, to get early access to the product we are building!


Endpoint function runs


Data will be validated on output


Middlewares again



The application sends events to the ASGI server


ASGI server makes sure the ASGI application complies to the spec


Server sends data to the client


What now?


Task will stay alive for a while


Connection object is closed


That's it!


Support for WebSockets


Support for Lifespan Events


What happens on shutdown?


Where to go from here?

  1. Help on issues
  2. Watch your favorite packages on GitHub

Predicting questions...

Starlette/FastAPI/Uvicorn V1


Predicting questions...

Will you come to India if you get invited next year?




Thank You!

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Marcelo Trylesinski



So... For those who don't know me... I work fully remote, and every day I go to this coffee place that is around 5 minutes bike from my home. And... I asked the barista that works there to go out. We went out, and at some point I told her that "I do Open Source". I explained what open source is... - "I'm kind a communist on the code world." - "People contribute to public projects." - "Everybody use these makes use of those projects." Then I tried to explain specifically what I do in a nice way... I started with: "Yeah, you know... I kind a build the tools that people use to build real stuff" She was a bit confused, and said "I understand, I guess." I don't think she did. We are not going out anymore. Not for those reasons, but... Talking to her gave me the idea for this talk. It made me think about how can I explain in a nice way what I really know to others. Also, this is a subject that really excites me, since it touches a lot of packages in the ecosystem. Besides, I've only met nice people from India. So I dedicated a bit more of myself to this. Hope you enjoy this talk, as much as I enjoy your company.

Talk about Uvicorn (web server), FastAPI (web framework), and the client.

An image of Uvicorn. Also, explain what Uvicorn is.

Uvicorn is a server implementation that runs applications that look like FastAPI.

At the first moment, a 3-way TCP handshake is established, and then maybe a TLS handshake as well.

When I say the server, here I'll always mean Uvicorn.

Creates an object for that connection.

Show the uvicorn code

Explain that TCP handshake, and TLS handshake happens.

The request will be received by the task.

Show a picture of: Request line + Headers + CR line + body

- Request line (method, path, query) - HTTP headers

It's just to create the scope. See how the scope looks like.

Meaning it can be upgraded to WebSockets. Then the WebSocket scope will be created.


Show the `run_asgi` method in Uvicorn.

Each request means that the application is ran. Meaning that `FastAPI().__call__` is called.

Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface

It's the WSGI successor. But... I don't know much about WSGI. I don't have many years of experience.

Depends on the keep alive timeout.

Is there time to talk about it?

Is it even worth it?

Help on issues!

Watch your favorite packages on GitHub.

Things don't happen overnight. It takes time to get really good at something. Be patient.