The validation evolution

Pydantic V2tronger


About me


Marcelo Trylesinski


FastAPI Expert


OSS Maintainer




Software Engineer at Pydantic


What is Pydantic?


What is Pydantic?


What's this talk about?


Why did we create V2?


Pydantic Core


Let's go through some changes


Config -> model_config


Config -> model_config


Which settings changed?


Changes on validators

@validator -> @field_validator


Changes on validators

@validator -> @field_validator


Validation mode (before)


Validation mode (before)


Validation mode (wrap)


Validation mode (after)


Changes on validators

@root_validator -> @model_validator


__root__ -> RootModel


__root__ -> RootModel




pydantic.BaseSettings -> pydantic_settings.BaseSettings


Modify the JSON schema


Modify the JSON schema


Custom Types


Custom Types


Pydantic Extra Types


Performance Tips

Use model_validate_json(), and not model_validate(json.loads())


Performance Tips

TypeAdapter instantiated once


Performance Tips

TypeAdapter instantiated once


Performance Tips

Don't do validation when you don't have to - use Any


Performance Tips

Use Literal, not Enum


Performance Tips

Use TypedDict over nested models


Performance Tips


Is V3 planned?


Where to see more about it?


Early Access to our Product!

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The FastAPI Expert


Thank You!

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Marcelo Trylesinski



Explain that I'm going to go through some Pydantic features, and explain why/how they changed.

Explain why V2 was released.

Explain or show things that were deprecated/removed/changed on the `Config`. Explain also the reason for it.

This is the Pydantic protocol - other packages should implement this.

Uncertain policy to what gets in yet. Packages should be able to use the Pydantic protocol.

Use the Pydantic documentation page to explain this one.

Explain that at some point next year we are going to have the next major. But... The changes are changes are going to be far less disruptive in comparison to V1->V2.